# 프로포즈 성향
성사된 프로포즈
$yes_propose_sel = $db->sel("R_marry_propose", "where (`result`='yes' or `result`='settle_end')", "*");
$yes_propose_cnt = mysql_query("select count(*) from R_marry_propose where (`result`='yes' or `result`='settle_end') ");
$P_count = mysql_result($yes_propose_cnt,0,0);
$P_count = ($P_count > 0)? $P_count : "1";
오늘의 프로포즈
$today_propose_sel = $db->sel("R_marry_propose", "where `rdate`='$today_date'", "*");
$today_propose_cnt = mysql_query("select count(*) from R_marry_propose where `rdate`='$today_date'");
$T_count = mysql_result($today_propose_cnt,0,0);
$T_count = ($T_count > 0)? $T_count : "1";
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<?php include"../RAD/rankup_notice/main_notice.html"; ?>
<table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td height="10"></td>
<!-- 프로포즈 통계 -->
<table width="190" height="70" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" background="../images/main_right_propose_bg01.gif" align="right">
<td width="50"></td>
<table width="128" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr class="tc">
<td> <b>성사된 프로포즈</b> </td>
<tr class="tc">
<!--뉴스스크롤이 들어갈 레이어 설정-->
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// 기본정의
_TextSlider = function(className)
document.write("<div id='_TextSliderPLayer_"+ className +"'><div id='_TextSliderLayer_"+ className +"'></div></div>");
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// 기본설정
var _PM1 = new _TextSlider('_PM1'); // 클래스 명을 인자로 넘긴다.
_PM1.width = 128; // Ticker의 가로길이
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_PM1.speed = 6; // text가 slide되는 빠르기. 단위는 ms
_PM1.pixel = 1; // text가 한번 slide할 때 움직일 픽셀.
_PM1.interval = 4000; // text가 slide된 후 다음 text가 slide되기 까지의 대기시간
_PM1.size = 30; // text간의 간격. height와 같거나 크게 하여야 제대로 보인다.
_PM1.direction = 'up'; // text가 slide될 방향
var noImgSrc = "";
for($i=0; $i < $P_count; $i++) {
$yes_propose_row = mysql_fetch_array($yes_propose_sel['result']);
$Gid = substr($yes_propose_row[Gid],0,1)."****";
$Pid = substr($yes_propose_row[Pid],0,1)."****";
$send_method = $yes_propose_row[send_method];
if($send_method == 'tel') {
$msg_V = "전화프로포즈";
} else if($send_method == 'msn') {
$msg_V = "메일프로포즈";
} else if($send_method == 'oneAone') {
$msg_V = "1:1만남";
} else if($send_method == 'email') {
$msg_V = "메일프로포즈";
_PM1.item[<?php echo $i;?>] = "<div style='width:128;height:30px;overflow:hidden'>"
_PM1.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='128'>"
_PM1.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " <tr>"
_PM1.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " <td style='padding:1;'>"
_PM1.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " <p align='center'>[<?php echo $msg_V;?>]</p>"
_PM1.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " </td>"
_PM1.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " </tr>"
_PM1.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " <tr>"
_PM1.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " <td style='padding:1;'>"
_PM1.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " <p align='center'><img src='../images/man.bmp'> <?php echo $Pid;?> ♥ <img src='../images/women.bmp'> <?php echo $Gid;?></p>"
_PM1.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " </td>"
_PM1.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " </tr>"
_PM1.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += "</table>"
_PM1.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += "</div>"
<?php } ?>
_PM1.init(); // _TextSlider의 작동을 지시한다.
<!--뉴스 스크롤이 들어갈 레이어 설정 끝-->
<!-- 프로포즈 통계 -->
<table width="190" height="70" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" background="../images/main_right_propose_bg01.gif" align="right">
<td width="50"></td>
<table width="128" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr class="tc">
<td> <b>오늘의 프로포즈</b> </td>
<tr class="tc">
<!--뉴스스크롤이 들어갈 레이어 설정-->
<SCRIPT language="Javascript1.2">
// 기본설정
var _PM2 = new _TextSlider('_PM2'); // 클래스 명을 인자로 넘긴다.
_PM2.width = 128; // Ticker의 가로길이
_PM2.height = 30; // Ticker의 세로길이
_PM2.speed = 6; // text가 slide되는 빠르기. 단위는 ms
_PM2.pixel = 1; // text가 한번 slide할 때 움직일 픽셀.
_PM2.interval = 4000; // text가 slide된 후 다음 text가 slide되기 까지의 대기시간
_PM2.size = 30; // text간의 간격. height와 같거나 크게 하여야 제대로 보인다.
_PM2.direction = 'up'; // text가 slide될 방향
var noImgSrc = "";
for($i=0; $i < $T_count; $i++) {
$today_propose_row = mysql_fetch_array($today_propose_sel['result']);
$Gid = substr($today_propose_row[Gid],0,1)."****";
$Pid = substr($today_propose_row[Pid],0,1)."****";
$send_method = $today_propose_row[send_method];
if($send_method == 'tel') {
$msg_V = "전화프로포즈";
} else if($send_method == 'msn') {
$msg_V = "메일프로포즈";
} else if($send_method == 'oneAone') {
$msg_V = "1:1만남";
} else if($send_method == 'email') {
$msg_V = "메일프로포즈";
_PM2.item[<?php echo $i;?>] = "<div style='width:128;height:30px;overflow:hidden'>"
_PM2.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='128'>"
_PM2.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " <tr>"
_PM2.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " <td style='padding:1;'>"
_PM2.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " <p align='center'>[<?php echo $msg_V;?>]</p>"
_PM2.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " </td>"
_PM2.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " </tr>"
_PM2.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " <tr>"
_PM2.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " <td style='padding:1;'>"
_PM2.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " <p align='center'><img src='../images/man.bmp'> <?php echo $Pid;?> ♥ <img src='../images/women.bmp'> <?php echo $Gid;?></p>"
_PM2.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " </td>"
_PM2.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += " </tr>"
_PM2.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += "</table>"
_PM2.item[<?php echo $i;?>] += "</div>"
<?php } ?>
_PM2.init(); // _TextSlider의 작동을 지시한다.
<!--뉴스 스크롤이 들어갈 레이어 설정 끝-->
<td height="10"></td>
<table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right">
<td height="18"><a href="../etc/service_guide.html"><img src="../images/main_right_service.gif" border=0></a></td>
<?php if($Eenvi_row['oneAone_use'] == 'yes') :?>
<tr bgcolor="e4e4e4"><td></td></tr>
<td bgcolor="f4f7fa" onMouseOver=this.style.backgroundColor='ffffff' onMouseOut=this.style.backgroundColor='' height=26><img src="../images/main_right_service_icon.gif"><a href="#" onClick="window.open('../etc/simulation.html?simul=meet&s_no=14','simul','scrollbars=no resizable=no');return false">1:1만남</a></td>
<?php endif;?>
<tr bgcolor="e4e4e4"><td></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="fdf9fe">
<td onMouseOver=this.style.backgroundColor='ffffff' onMouseOut=this.style.backgroundColor='' height=26><img src="../images/main_right_service_icon.gif"><a href="#" onClick="window.open('../etc/simulation.html?simul=tel&s_no=14','simul','scrollbars=no resizable=no');return false">전화프로포즈</a></td>
<tr bgcolor="e4e4e4"><td></td></tr>
<td bgcolor="f4f7fa" onMouseOver=this.style.backgroundColor='ffffff' onMouseOut=this.style.backgroundColor='' height=26><img src="../images/main_right_service_icon.gif"><a href="#" onClick="window.open('../etc/simulation.html?simul=mail&s_no=15','simul','scrollbars=no resizable=no');return false">메일프로포즈</a></td>
<tr bgcolor="e4e4e4"><td></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="fdf9fe">
<td onMouseOver=this.style.backgroundColor='ffffff' onMouseOut=this.style.backgroundColor='' height=26><img src="../images/main_right_service_icon.gif"><a href="#" onClick="window.open('../etc/simulation.html?simul=msn&s_no=14','simul','scrollbars=no resizable=no');return false">메신저프로포즈</a></td>
<?php if($Eenvi_row['unlimited_all_use'] == 'yes') :?>
<tr bgcolor="e4e4e4"><td></td></tr>
<td bgcolor="f4f7fa" onMouseOver=this.style.backgroundColor='ffffff' onMouseOut=this.style.backgroundColor='' height=26><img src="../images/main_right_service_icon.gif"><a href="#" onClick="window.open('../etc/simulation.html?simul=full&s_no=5','simul','scrollbars=no resizable=no');return false">무제한프로포즈</a></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($Eenvi_row['jung_member_use'] == 'yes') :?>
<tr bgcolor="e4e4e4"><td></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="fdf9fe">
<td onMouseOver=this.style.backgroundColor='ffffff' onMouseOut=this.style.backgroundColor='' height=26><img src="../images/main_right_service_icon.gif"><a href="#" onClick="window.open('../etc/simulation.html?simul=jung&s_no=10','simul','scrollbars=no resizable=no');return false">정회원서비스</a></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<tr bgcolor="e4e4e4"><td></td></tr>
<td height="5"></td>
<?php if($Eenvi_row['manager_match_use']=='yes') :?>
<td align="right"><a href="../manager/manager_guide.html"><img src="../images/main_right_managermatching.gif" border="0"></a></td>
<td height="5"></td>
<?php endif;?>
# 커플매니저
<tr><td><?php include "../include/right_couple_manager.html";?></td></tr>
<td height="5"></td>
<td align="right">
<?php include "../RAD/rankup_poll/main_poll.html"; ?>
<td height="5"></td>
<?php echo $often->banner_view('right_banner');?>
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